测试可选 & Superscoring

HSU offers test optional admission.

  • Test optional allows students to choose whether or not they want a test score to be a factor in their admission decision. Students who indicate on their application without test scores will be reviewed for admission based of their transcript only.
  • Students who indicate on their application with test scores will be reviewed with their test score as well as their transcript for admission.  Test scores will be “superscored” if they submit more than one test.

有了这些变化, students will be reviewed by HSU admissions in a way that benefits  students the most.


If you’ve taken more than one test, submit them all to HSU and we will evaluate your best possible score by superscoring. If you’ve taken the ACT once and the 坐 once, we will look at your total scores for both tests and determine which of the two tests is your best one. If you’ve taken either ACT, 坐, or CLT more than once, we will look at all the subtests for a test type and create a superscore for you. Beginning September 2020, ACT will allow students to retake a single subtest (after previously taking the entire test). 是的, we will take those single subtest scores into consideration for your superscore calculation as well.


It means students have a choice of whether or not they want a test score to be reviewed along with their application for admission. Students will be able to indicate their preference regarding test scores on their application. HSU will honor that preference when we review your application and high school transcript.

Choose the option that you think shows HSU the best picture of you as a student.

If you have not yet taken an ACT, 坐, or CLT and you don’t plan to take a test, choose test optional. If you’ve already taken a test and are satisfied with your score, choose to be reviewed with your test score.

We understand that many juniors and seniors submit scores before they apply. 没有问题. Just indicate on your application that you want to be reviewed without a test score and we will honor that, even if we have already received a test from you.

  1. Top Academic scholarship- The Trustee Scholarship requires students to submit an official test score.
  2. Honors scholarship – Students applying for the Julius Olsen Honors Program are required to submit an official test score.
  3. Degree programs requiring Finite 数学 for Business (MATH 1305), College Algebra (MATH 1310), or Calculus I (MATH 1420), have the option to submit an official qualifying test score (ACT, 坐, or Math Placement Exam) or enroll in a prerequisite math course.

The following degree programs will require Finite 数学 for Business (MATH 1305), College Algebra (MATH 1310), or Calculus I (MATH 1420):

  • 会计
  • 生物化学 & 分子生物学
  • 生物学
  • Chemistry/Pre-Pharmacy
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • 计算机科学
  • 经济学
  • Education – Elementary
  • Education – Middle – General Science
  • Education – Middle – 数学
  • Education – Secondary – Life Science
  • Education – Secondary – 数学
  • Education – Secondary – 物理科学 Composite
  • Education – Secondary – Science
  • Engineering- Mechanical
  • 运动科学
  • 金融
  • 健康心理学
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Information Systems
  • 管理
  • 市场营销
  • 数学
  • Music – Composition
  • Music – Performance
  • Music – Worship 领导
  • 护理学- BSN
  • Nursing – RN to BSN
  • 物理科学
  • Pre-Athletic Training (运动科学 Track)
  • Pre-Dental
  • 预科
  • Pre-Physical Therapy – (生物学 Track)
  • Pre-Physical Therapy – (运动科学 Track)
  • Pre-Physician Assistant
  • Pre-Veterinary
  • 社会工作 & 心理学
  • Wildlife Certification